Christianity · Inspirational

The Journey

Have you heard it said that God takes you on a journey that you never even knew you needed?

This road I’m on has been filled with roundabouts, dead-ends and loads of construction zones.

But it’s all been for a purpose. A greater reason.

God has used everything I’ve been through, even the times that I turned away from Him and served myself – all for HIS glory.

When He’s my main focus even the bumps in the road have nothing on me because when I choose to cling to Him I’m filled with so much peace and He gives me the strength to make it through anything.

Yes, there are also many times that I’ve been able cruise smoothly along and it’s felt like things were going well, all to His glory.

Yet, eventually something will sneak up on you on this life. Though, it never takes God by surprise.

It’s easier to choose to be angry in those moments – whether at God or at other people.

It’s easier to puff out your chest, cast blame or engage in gossip.

It’s harder to fall down on your knees and ask for His forgiveness if you were the one that put the pothole there in the first place and that’s why you fell.

It’s harder to accept your circumstances, trust in the Lord, seek His face and wait on Him.

But when you ground yourself in the gospel and you soak yourself in the truth from His word daily – you’ll be so much better equipped to handle those sudden inevitable curves in your journey.

You’ll already be filled with the kind of peace and joy that can only come from Jesus by spending daily time in prayer, reflection, studying His word and nurturing healthy relationships with your brothers and/or sisters in Christ.

Making God a priority every day is not only good for you as you tackle each day but it’s also an investment in your future.

You’re preparing yourself for harder times.

You’re establishing the habit of leaning on Him through the good and through the bad.

I have felt myself wandering from God the more that I…

  • Focused on myself and spent little to no time in His word.
  • Took worldly counsel/advice rather than Biblical advice.
  • Spent time with those who pursued the things of this world more than with I did with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Played worldly music more than I did uplifting Christian music.

Yes, even Christians are susceptible to falling into sin, to stumbling, or even turning their back to God’s word.

If you ever meet a Christian that tells you that they have no struggles or temptations to sin in their life – then you’ll know they are actually right smack-dab in the middle of committing a sin, by lying about that.

There is no perfect human but there IS a perfect God. One who loves us and meets us where we are, reminds us of His love for us, commands us to turn away from our sin and brings us back to Himself.

There are practices you can put into your life to make it a lot easier to to quickly find your way back to God when (not if) you do stumble.

The best thing you can do is to make every single day you spend on earth about Jesus.

When you wake up, thank Him for another day and take even just a moment to pray that He will guide you and you’ll make choices that honour Him that day.

As you go through the day, talk to Him. He’s always there with an open ear and He wants to hear from His children.

A quick “thank you, Lord!” when you find a great parking spot or when your children are playing peacefully for a few moments.

If your instinct is to include him in your day and you already spend time through the day talking to Him then it’ll be a lot easier for you to go to Him when something rough comes up.

If you are spending time listening to praise and worship music or an encouraging podcast when you go about your daily routine then you’re being immersed in more of Him.

There are so many ways for you to keep your eyes upon Jesus throughout the day and there is no better way to be.

Keep Him close to you. Give Him the glory!

The closer you keep him to your heart, the quicker you will lean on Him as trials and temptations of this world surface as He tells us will happen.

So when you’re on this journey and you end up at roundabouts, dead-ends and construction zones – know that you’re going to be okay, and you’re going to make it through, as long as you have Jesus right there with you.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

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